585-748 6089 [email protected]


Morningstar is one of the 13 Church Ministries in the town of Greece  who partners with and fund Mission Share.  Mission share exists to demonstrate Gods Love  in practical ways and share the hope we have in Christ by using our time, talents and resources to serve those in our community.  Some services that  Mission share provides are: Cross Roads Pregnancy care, Clothes closet and food pantry, Back 2 School give aways, food baskets, & the Christmas Hope Program.

Bethel Express is an inner-city youth ministry run by Michel and Julia Pace they desire to see young men and women become productive citizens and champions in our society. There focus is on spiritual strength with bible literacy, worship, praise, prayer and discipleship. This ministry enterprises social stability and fellowship through work training, trips and outings. Scholastic success is also provided by tutoring, incentives, school visits and scholarships.